During the year 2000 , the Tower welcomed 6 315 324 visitors.
The Eiffel Tower in Florence
The Eiffel Tower took an unexpected trip to Italy when the city of Florence staged, in the building housing the National Archives, a large-scale exhibition dedicated to the Tower: ''From Tuscany to Gustave Eiffel's Europe, the Eiffel Tower on the banks of the Arno''. Held for more than three months, the exhibition was designed to raise public awareness of Europe's rich 19th-century heritage, of wich the famous Paris landmark is considered as the most remarkable work of art.
Tribute to Jules Verne
On 26th May, the Parisians discovered a huge portrait of Jules Verne hung up between the Tower's first and second floors. This effigy, made after a photgraph by Nadar - a famous turn-of-the-20th-century photgrapher - was composed of 8 cm, black and silver aluminium round discs mounted on 300 m2 of netting, the whole wighing a total of 2.1 tonnes. Paying tribute to the great 20th-century visionary novelist, the portrait was backed by a show held within the Tower, entitled ''Jules Verne 2000, travel to unknown worlds''.
The Eiffel Tower under ice floe
On 25th February, French President Jacques Chirac commemorated the 50th anniversary of the French polar expeditions through a tribute to Paul-Emile Victor. The first-floor platform was turned into an ice floe, complete with penguins and figures dressed in polar clothing, surrounded by tracked vehicles, sleighs and scientific equipment.
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